Coaching kids to become better athletes and better individuals since 2011

"i-Play is definitely  NOT your typical daycare"

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"We are committed to awaken a passion for lifelong physical activity in each child, while creating a foundation for athletic participation, athletic success, and personal development."

Large indoor gym

"With a gym like this, being stuck indoors is actually awesome!  When it's raining, too cold, or even too hot outside, we can still play our favorite sports."

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"Kids need to learn that failure is part of the learning process.  Today, when they don't win, too many kids simply quit and find excuses.  They must learn that confidence comes with embracing the challenges and knowing that these challenges can be surmounted with time and EFFORT."

Large outdoor field

"Wanna play soccer, ultimate frisbee, baseball, cricket, croquet?  Sure, we definitely got the space for that!"

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i-Play is an athletics based after-school program (daycare) that is centrally located in Moncton's North End.  We provide transportation from Northrop Frye, Evergreen Park, Magnetic Hill, and Le Sommet.

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